Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Caza del tesoro: Vampires

Count Dracula and Edward Cullen? Who has sold the most? In order to answer this question, you may want to go through this questions.

1- What is the name of the most famous vampire story in the 20st century?

2- Who wrote it?

3- What were the characteristics of the main vampire of that story?

4- What is the most famous vampire story of the 21st century?

5- Who is the author?

6- What are the main characteristics of the vampires in that story?

7- Do vampires have a mythological enemy?

8- Who is it? Is it the same one for both types of vampires (the 20st century and the 21st century one)?

9- What are the weakness of the two vampires? Are they the same?

10- which vampire do you think is more famous and why? Which one has sold more copies?

Suggested Sites:


Monday, December 13, 2010

Webquest: Harry Potter


A great wizard once said: "Knowledge is power, Harry" Have you ever dreamt of becoming a worldwide great wizard? Imagine you could have the most amazing powers to help humanity and save a magic community from the most frightening and evil wizard existing ever? This what a young boy is designated to do since the very moment he was born, would you like to find out some more details about this breathtaking story? Let's surf the web to empower our knowledge and dreams…



  1. Who is the author of the Harry Potter series?


  2. How many books form the whole novel series?


  3. Short biography about the author including how she came up with the idea of writing the first book about wizards?


  4. When was the first novel about wizards published?


  5. Who was the author? Include short biography.


  6. What are the main characteristics of the wizards in the first novel and in the Harry Potter series?


  7. How many books of Harry Potter have been sold?


  8. How many languages has the book been translated to?


  9. How many movies have been made? Who are the actors playing the three main characters from the novel?


  10. How has the economic situation of these three people and of the author of the novel changed since Harry Potter creation?






Suggested Sites:



Note: please remember to be creative and try to gather as much information as possible from the net, these above are only two simple suggestions, the rest is up to you! GOOD LUCK!!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Aldous Huxley: "The doors of perception"

Background information
Birth name Talib Kweli Greene
Also known as The Get By Man, Kweli Snitch, The Prince of Brooklyn
Born October 3, 1974 (age 35),South Jamaica, Queens, New York City, New York, U.S.[1]

Origin Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn,New York City, New York,U.S.

Alternative hip hop

Occupations Rapper, Singer

Years active 1997–present
Rawkus Records
Blacksmith Records / Warner Bros. Records (2005-Present)

Associated acts Black Star, Reflection Eternal,Madlib, Mos Def, Kanye West,The Roots

Website TalibKweli.com

Reading activity:

Now is time for you to practice what you have just studied.

Remember: Skimming= general info.
Scanning= specific info.

Skim the article and match the subheadings 1-4 with each section.

1- Unnecessary risks.
2- Provocation
3- Fellini’s fault!
4- Invasion of privacy

Now you are going to scan the text to answer the multiple choice questions below.

1- The word paparazzi comes from:

a- a character from an Italian movie
b- a character from an American film from an Italian director
c- a character from a Fellini’s movie

2- To “give someone a black eye” in the third paragraph means:

d- to punch someone too hard that you will cause him a bruise.
e- to kill someone from a punch on the face
f- to punch someone causing him to show a bruise around his eye

3- What is the meaning of “going out of their way” in the last paragraph:

g- to leave a place quickly
h- to get what you wanted
i- to bother people

4- Why do the paparazzi go out of their way:

j- to get the best pictures
k- to bother famous people so they put angry faces
l- to gain time so they can take many pictures

‘Understanding the media’: use of cell-phones and its implications, advantages and disadvantages.

Lesson plan

School: Liceo Solymar Central
Teacher: Maria Pia Cejas
Group: 3CB2 Medicina
Date: Monday 17th, August 2010.
Time: 40’
Topic: ‘Understanding the media’: use of cell-phones and its implications, advantages and disadvantages.

Objectives: by the end of the lesson students will be able to express their opinion about the use of cell-phones in our time and say what they think the advantages and disadvantages of it are. Ss will practice their skimming and scanning skills and their reading comprehension.

Personal aims: to establish a good atmosphere, to foster Ss critic point of view and help them to produce their own opinions on how the world has changed since cell-phones appeared and became so common.

Assumptions: Ss have already learnt what skimming and scanning mean, they have been introduced in “Understanding the media” unit and the mass media world including a debate on whether cell-phones should be considered as a mass media component or not and why.

Anticipated problems:
• Ss may not understand some of the words or expressions in the texts.
• Time may not be enough.

Possible solutions:
• T will explain them the exercise is about reading comprehension and they will not need to know the exact meaning of every single word but to try to deduce it from its context.
• Teacher will explain last activity (Reflection) so Ss may be asked to write a short reflection for homework.

o Task sheets
o Hand outs
o Markers, eraser, whiteboard

Activity Objective Development

Warm up (0)
5’ To set Ss in the actual lesson, to remind them of what they have worked in and how the coped with the debate on ‘Mass media” concept. To introduce the rest of the activities T will remind Ss of Mass media concept and will ask them to think what were the eight elements considered mass media means of communication and the last two (whose inclusion in the term was being discussed) After stating cell-phones are one of those two elements T will ask them to think of how the world was before having so much technologic devices and gadgets at home.

Reading comprehension, skimming and scanning practice.

20’ To help Ss practice and improve their reading skills and to amuse them with the texts presented. T will arrange Ss into three groups, the activity will be explained and the three groups will receive one text each. Ss will read the text and try to complete the two parts of the activity presented. They will be asked to answer the skimming questions and to scan the text looking for the specific information requested.

Correction of the task.
10’ To correct the task and check Ss have understood the texts, to inform all of them of the other groups’ texts. T will ask to each group to answer the questions from the two parts of the activity. Ss will comment to the other groups
what their texts were about.

Reflection and closure
5’ To encourage Ss reflection about main advantages and disadvantages of using cell-phones. To foster Ss comparison between the past and the present. To close the lesson making Ss feel they have done well. T will ask Ss to think about two main advantages and disadvantages on using cell-phones and how they think the situation has changed throughout the years. T asks Ss whether they have achieved the lesson objective.

‘Understanding the media’: listening strategies, ideologically committed art in a globalized and commercial world.

Lesson plan

School: Liceo Solymar Central
Teacher: Maria Pia Cejas
Group: 3CB2 Medicina
Date: Monday 17th, August 2010.
Time: 40’
Topic: ‘Understanding the media’: listening strategies, ideologically committed art in a globalized and commercial world.

Objectives: by the end of the lesson students will be able to understand two different strategies to approach any piece of listening. They will also know there are some people trying to fight against mass media excessive consumers.

Personal aims: to establish a good atmosphere, to foster Ss critical point of view about consumerism in order to deal with the topic in the following lessons. To let them know there are particular artists from whom they can learn. To amuse them with the interview to Talib Kweli who is considered an example for Brooklyn community.

Assumptions: Ss have already learnt what skimming and scanning mean so they will have no difficulty understanding those strategies can also be used when listening to anything new. Students have been introduced to some bad effects of mass media including parents’ paranoia, teenagers’ addiction to technology and consumerism.

Anticipated problems:
• Ss may not understand some of the words or expressions in the interview.

Possible solutions:
• T will explain them the exercise is about listening comprehension and they will not need to know the exact meaning of every single word but to try to deduce it from its context.

o Task sheets
o Hand outs
o Markers, eraser, whiteboard
o Computer
o Interview video: Talib Kweli interview on BATCAVE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqqFwc3SddY
o Definitions from listening strategies from Bell, J. and Gower, R. First Certificate Expert, Pearson Education Limited, Edinburgh, England, 2008.

Activity Objective Development

Warm up (0)
To set Ss in the actual lesson, to remind them of what they have worked in. To introduce Talib. To introduce the rest of the activities.
T will remind Ss of mass media implications and some of its bad effects as parents’ paranoia and consumerism. T will mention there are some artists that fight against producing commercial music. T will hand out Ss a brief description of Talib and his work.

Listening: learning and practice of listening strategies.

To help Ss practice and improve their listening skills and to amuse them with the interview and information presented.
T will arrange Ss into three groups, the activity will be explained. Ss will receive one hand out each with the explanations of the different listening strategies and the activities to practice them. The definitions will be read aloud and explained if necessary. The three groups will be asked the initial questions on the activity and T will ask them to answer the rest of the questions while listening to the interview which will be played twice.

Correction of the task and closure.
To correct the task and check Ss have understood the two strategies taught.
T will ask to each group to answer the questions and if necessary some parts of the recording will be played again. To remind them of consumerism of cell-phones dealt with in the previous lesson and to ask them to think about the its concept.